Smith and Striker fundamentals
Smith and Striker communication is a specialised skill.
Martin Geddes will take us through this ancient language of working together over the anvil. It’s an absolute must for any practicing smith. Speed and power with grace creates efficient work.
‘done by the ring of the anvil and by the subtle gestures of the hand hammer of the Blacksmith’
We will be closely looking at the function of different sledgehammer weights and their limitations.
How to call in your Striker, what hammer weight is called for.
What mode of delivery is required by the Blacksmith?
How to use sledgehammers safely and correctly in conjunction with your body dynamics and many more aspects.
On the second day, we will put into practice what you have learnt. Individuals will play the part of the Blacksmith and the Striker, and each person will forge a pair of tongs with the assistance of their
Participants walk away with enhanced forging skills and a new set of tongs.
Learn the lost language of Smith and Striker communication in this intensive 2-day blacksmithing workshop at Mattila Studio.